Strengthen your legs and core with April's Yoga Pose of the month:
Revolved Chair (Sanskrit: Parivrtta Utkatasana)
- With feet together, stand in Mountain (Tadasana). Engage Uddiyana Bandha (drawing the navel in towards spine) to support the back/core. Palms at heart center, take hips back as if you’re sitting in an imaginary chair. Knees shouldn’t go beyond toes.
- To rotate your Chair, take a deep breath and lengthen spine, twist from the waist up on the exhale. Take an inhale and on the next exhale, sit deeper into your Chair. If available, place your elbow to outside of knee. Take another deep breath in and on the exhale, twist more if your body is fine with this. Stay in pose for 3-5 breaths. Gaze can be wherever you’d like.
Note: You may keep hands at heart center or lengthen arms. Another option is to make a fist with the top hand and place in palm of other hand to decrease pressure in wrist.
Benefits: Strengthens quads/glutes/core & lengthens/rotates spine to provide more breathing room