
Chris Hemedinger 0
Rank and file

When I applied for a job at SAS over 15 years ago, I didn't even know what the company did. [Insert dummy joke here.] Most of what I knew about the company came from colleagues at my former workplace who, perhaps in an effort to make themselves feel better, described

Chris Hemedinger 0
"Open in JMP" from SAS Enterprise Guide

The SAS Visual Data Discovery package includes, among other things, SAS Enterprise Guide and JMP. If you are among the growing numbers who use these two software applications together, you might be looking for more ways to integrate the two. Here's one way: a SAS Enterprise Guide task that opens

Chris Hemedinger 0
1000-thread count

No, this is not about a super-expensive set of bed linens. It's about the 1000th thread (discussion topic) in the SAS Enterprise Guide discussion forum. This discussion forum began as a pilot program over two years ago, with SAS Enterprise Guide and ODS and Base Reporting among the first two

Chris Hemedinger 0
Coat check conspiracy

As a dedicated SAS employee, I take advantage of as many offered perks as I can, and that includes attending the annual SAS Winter Party. My wife and I have not missed one since I started working here, which means that last weekend we attended for the 16th time. Every

Chris Hemedinger 0
This is your life...with SAS

If you use SAS for just one purpose, you might be interested to see some of its other uses around your world. This video is also a great link to share with your less-tech-savvy friends/relatives who ask the question: what is SAS and why should I care?

Angela Hall 0
Opening SAS Files from Windows

Right-click on any SAS file and several options could appear, including but not limited to 'Open in SAS Enterprise Guide', 'Open in SAS 9.1', 'Submit in SAS 9.1', etc. In silent installs, multiple SAS version environments, or other registry impacting issues - these options could be rendered useless or simply

Angela Hall 0
SAS in the Open Source World

Over the last couple days, there have been some posts in SAS-L as well as those new fangled twitters, on whether 'R' open sourced software is a threat (ignoring the SAS Sales team's response) and on whether SAS could move to Open Source. Highlights from these discussions: New York Times

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS and social media: an awesome mashup

SAS recently appointed a Social Media Manager for the company. Check out Dave Thomas' recent interview here. The interview question that must have been edited out: "So, why did you decide to leave Wendy's?" Just like SAS ("what's a shoe company got to do with business analytics?"), I imagine that

Angela Hall 0
Clearing & Updating Metadata - Batch Tricks

Using the proc metalib process to update specific elements would generate errors related to the base SAS Library conflicting with the Metalib referenced library. You can run a libname _all_ list; statement to review all the libraries available to the process. Also, the reference material utilized to improve the process

Angela Hall 0
Example to Encode SAS Passwords

Within SAS Run the following code (the purple text is the password you would like to encode): proc pwencode in='myn3wpwd4u'; run; After submitting this code (F3), the resulting encoded password in available only in the log file. The results from this example are below, the highlighted line is the encrypted

Chris Hemedinger 0
Talking Turkey about SAS

From the "how far can we take this metaphor?" department... Want to whet your Thankgiving appetite? Read this blog post from R. L. Burns. The "meat and gravy" section is near the bottom of the post. (Personally, I consider myself the giblets.)

Chris Hemedinger 0
Poetry in commotion

In addition to writing code, SAS R&D developers are very accustomed to writing poems. I don't mean rhyming poetry like sonnets (though we do hear the occasional randy limerick). When a developer wants to make a code change in a SAS product, he or she is required to complete a

Angela Hall 0
SAS 9.2 eLecture Offers from SAS.com

Get a jump start on your SAS 9.2 expeirence by attending some of the free (or cheap) training courses SAS has to offer. Check them out at: http://www.sas.com/apps/elearning/elearning_courses.jsp?cat=e-Lecture%20SAS%20Programming 1. SAS(R) 9.2 Session 1: New and Enhanced Procedures and Statements -- Free 2. SAS(R) 9.2 Session 2: The Macro Facility --

Angela Hall 0
Data Data Everywhere

Think about all of the data now out there, from old transaction systems to new networking sites, there is an amazing amount for analysts to sink their teeth into. Some interesting sources that I have heard of over the past year include: Immediate web traffic analytics which then derive suggestions

Angela Hall 0
SAS Installation Troubleshooting

During the SESUG2008 Conference, I attended the presentation: "Best Practices for SAS BI Administrators: Using SAS Configuration Troubleshooter to Keep SAS Solutions and SAS BI Applications Running Smoothly" by Tanya Kalich. It appears to be a great tool to troubleshoot initial installations or manage major changes to the configuration. The

Angela Hall 0
100th Post Anniversary

Can you believe it? Three years ago the SAS BI-ogsource was started as a central area to store my personal musings about how to best use and manage the SAS Business Intelligence Solution (and the various components). It has been interesting meeting people from around the globe and see how

Chris Hemedinger 0
The 4-1-1 on Windows 3.11

Have you ever glanced through the obituaries and felt stunned to recognize an old friend? That's how it felt when I saw this announcement about Windows 3.11. One of my first assignments when I joined SAS in 1993 was to write Changes and Enhancements to the SAS System Release 6.10:

Angela Hall 0
Stored Process - Pass through Authentication

In the past we’ve had a lot of issues with calling stored processes from the SAS Portal without being “re-prompted” for authentication. We’ve tested this approach out and it works. http://support.sas.com/kb/19/234.html (Submitted by Brian Miles, Zencos Consulting)

Angela Hall 0
Search through SAS User Group Papers

Mentioned during a paper at the NESUG conference, Lex Jansen has set up a complete search of SAS papers on his website: http://www.lexjansen.com/ I typically use the SAS Global Forum search (http://support.sas.com/events/sasglobalforum/previous/online.html) but Lex brought in all the regional and industry specific papers.

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