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Rick Wicklin 0
Oh, those pesky temporary variables!

The SAS/IML language secretly creates temporary variables. Most of the time programmers aren't even aware that the language does this. However, there is one situation where if you don't think carefully about temporary variables, your program will silently produce an error. And as every programmer knows, silent wrong numbers are

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Maggie Miller 0
Stat Wars goes Hollywood

The guys of Stat Wars are battling it out again. This time they’re helping a viewer who needs to determine which stunt doubles to hire by predicting their performance using SAS. Watch and then vote on whether Danny Modlin or Marc Huber has the best solution for finding the right

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Julie Platt 0
Setting new goals? Come grow with us!

It’s that time of year when we all reflect on our accomplishments and consider what our next great moves will be. Maybe you’ve been wondering how you could have a greater impact on the SAS user community, develop your SAS skills further, impress your boss, maybe even become famous in

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Maggie Miller 0
Top 10 blogs of 2012

We decided to take a look back at our blogs in 2012 and see what piqued the interest of our readers. We had a little bit of everything from tricks to advice on all things SAS. Here’s the list of the Top 10 Blogs from 2012. Enjoy reading them again

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Shelly Goodin 0
12 bestselling SAS books of 2012

With their mass SAS appeal, these twelve books packed a powerful punch in 2012. From SAS and JMP basics to more advanced applications, to SAS certification, to business intelligence - these titles cover a range of users' interests. Did you use any of these titles this year? Do you have any predictions for popular book topics

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Nele Coghe 0
Warming up for the International Year of Statistics with some “statistique à la française” on the Nobel Prize winners

Are you ready for the upcoming International Year of Statistics? I have prepared myself by doing a correspondence analysis. Excusez-moi? Correspondence analysis is a technique that has been very popular in France and is therefore sometimes referred to as French Statistics. Correspondence analysis is a technique for categorical data analysis.

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Dan Obermiller 0
How to make better data-based decisions

Many companies are stressing the use of analytics and have a desire to make data-based decisions. But what kind of training should one take to enhance their abilities to meet this broad objective? Certainly some advanced training on statistical techniques would be helpful. But understanding how to manage a project

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Maggie Miller 0
It’s war… Stat Wars!

There’s a new video series launching in the SAS Education department unlike anything that’s ever been done before.  It’s called Stat Wars. Here’s how it works… two SAS instructors go head-to-head and battle it out over a statistics challenge. (So far no injuries have been reported.)  It’s educational and engaging,

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Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: Creating permanent data sets

This week's SAS tip is from Phil Mason and his ever-popular book In the Know...SAS Tips and Techniques From Around the Globe, Second Edition. In a review, SAS user Ian Whitlock said "Phil Mason is the grand master in the art of the SAS software tip." It was definitely difficult picking just one excerpt to

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Rick Wicklin 0
Beware the naked LOC

The LOC function is one of the most important functions in the SAS/IML language. The LOC function finds elements of a vector or matrix that satisfy some condition. For example, if you are going to apply a logarithmic transform to data, you can use the LOC function to find all

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Kathy Council 0
More eBooks for everyone

SAS Publishing has been offering eBooks through partners like Amazon, Apple, and Google, for a number of years. Our content is also available through subscription-based companies like Books 24x7, Safari, and EBSCO. We have learned that taking content developed for hardcopy and turning it into an ebook is not a

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Early praise for PROC DOCUMENT by Example Using SAS

Hot off the press and debuting at NESUG is Michael Tuchman's new book, PROC DOCUMENT by Example Using SAS. Tuchman's book demonstrates the practical uses of the DOCUMENT procedure, a part of the Output Delivery System, in SAS 9.3. The DOCUMENT procedure allows general SAS users to store and manage

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Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: The basics of decision trees

This week's SAS tip is from Barry de Ville and his book Decision Trees for Business Intelligence and Data Mining: Using SAS Enterprise Miner.  Barry is a technical and analytical consultant at SAS. To learn more about Barry and his forthcoming new edition of the book, following this week's excerpt, visit his author

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