In the second part of this series, Phil Simon argues that organizations can immediately take steps to handle likely legislation.
Tag: Uber
US data regulation, part 2: What your organization can do about it now
La analítica será un aliado clave en materia regulatoria para 2018
El panorama de regulaciones deberá ocupar un espacio especial dentro de las agendas de todo el sector empresarial de Colombia en 2018. Las organizaciones no solo deberán ocuparse de atender la normativa ya impuesta, sino los requerimientos de nuevas legislaciones en el país. El crecimiento y expansión de nuevas modalidades empresariales
Four connected car wishes prompted by my first Uber ride
I took my first Uber ride recently. I was with a colleague and we were going into the office before dawn to finish a presentation we were making later that morning. As our Uber driver accelerated to merge onto the interstate, we heard a high-pitched whine and smelled hot metal