Tag: teradata

Paul Gittins 0
Nine years (and still together)

The IT industry is littered with examples of short-lived corporate partnerships and alliances that often appear impressive but regularly end or are withdrawn after the initial enthusiasm wanes. The old adage that “actions speaker louder than words” is especially pertinent and I regularly encourage clients to look for tangible examples

Mike Gilliland 0
Are you an Analytic Superhero?

Have you seen this week's news item on "tanning mom" Patricia Krentcil, the New Jersey mother accused of sunburning her young daughter in a tanning booth? Now I'm as big a fan of diversity as the next guy, and lovingly embrace people of every visible color (although I do find House Speaker John Boehner's  orange a

New analytics book from Bill Franks

Bill Franks’s new book, Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with Advanced Analytics, has just released. This book shows how big data is changing the world of analytics; what people, processes, technologies, and mindsets are necessary to succeed in analytics in this new era;

Waynette Tubbs 0
Are you a superhero?

Of course you are a superhero - an analytics superhero. I know because every week, I write about your feats of super SAS brilliance. The League of Analytic Superheroes is the culmination of a powerful partnership between SAS and Teradata, the leaders in business analytics and enterprise data warehousing. Now, you

Michael Smith 0
News from Premier Sponsor Teradata

SAS Global Forum appreciates the support of its sponsors. I asked a Teradata representative some questions so that we could get to know this valued Premier sponsor better. 1. Can you provide some background information on the Teradata Corporation? Teradata is the world’s largest company focused solely on raising intelligence

Waynette Tubbs 0
SAS presenters series: David Shamlin

In hopes of adding to your SAS Global Forum experience, we've kicked off a SAS presenters series. Here, we’ve asked some of the SAS presenters five questions to learn more about what makes them tick, why they chose to present and what they hoped you would take away from the