Analyzing climate change business risk helps companies choose the most effective actions.
Tag: stress testing
A solid business strategy addresses insurance accounting standards and much more.
Economic, tech and regulatory trends are shifting asset liability management strategies.
SAS Cloud solutions on Azure help banks by delivering reliable stress test results fast.
What precisely, then, is needed in risk management? Users want a user-friendly interface, so that they can find what they need.
Which topics and priorities will be the focus for chief risk officers in 2019? A range of experts and representatives of major banking institutions addressed these questions at a recent event, CRO and CFO Banking Agenda 2019, organised by CeTIF, the Research Center on Technologies, Innovation and Financial Services, in collaboration
The number of models used by large operators in the financial sector is increasing by around 10 to 25 percent per year. Most of the new models are designed to meet business needs, such as pricing, the definition of strategic plans and the management of liquidity. Some, though, are for
Die RiskTek Veranstaltung von SAS vereint Praxis und Theorie. Welche Praxis und Theorie das bei der vergangenen RiskTeck nochmal war? Die Theorie: Regulierung fordert. Die Praxis: Umsetzung der Forderungen bei Kostendruck und ständigen technologischen Neuerungen. Hier stelle ich Ihnen zwei Beispiele aus der Branche vor, die den Weg der Tat
In a previous blog article, Risk Data Aggregation and Reporting – Why now more than ever? – Part 1, I have discussed the requirements of the paper of the Basel Committee numbered 239 and one of the reasons the execution or application of the principles discussed therein is important for
Die Kosten drücken auf die Gewinnmarge der Banken. In der aktuellen Niedrigzinsphase ist dies besonders schmerzhaft. Neue Wettbewerber, aber auch das veränderte Kundenverhalten zwingen Banken zusätzlich zum Handeln. Daraus ergeben sich mindestens zwei Ansatzpunkte zur Optimierung durch Digitalisierung: Die bestehenden Prozesse in der Kreditvergabe und -verwaltung müssen schlanker werden, die
For banks across Asia and Europe, a new accounting standard is of increasing importance – IFRS 9. With the first IFRS 9 reporting deadline looming January 1, 2018, banks are trying to understand what they need to do to be ready. At its core, the IFRS 9 accounting standard introduces
As everyone in the financial industry knows, CCAR (comprehensive capital analysis and review) was set up as a capital adequacy assessment for the major US banks. Through several years of practice and feedback, CCAR has evolved into a comprehensive stress testing exercise -- and in doing so, created a new
IFRS 9 und Stresstesting: Zwei aktuelle Themen, dem ersten Gedanken nach in verschiedenen Unternehmensbereichen angesiedelt und doch gibt es große Überschneidungen … IFRS 9 als Teil des Rechnungswesen und Risikomanagements Die Vorschriften von IFRS 9 zur Erfassung von Wertminderungen basieren auf dem Expected-Credit-Loss-Modell, d.h. einem Modell zukünftig erwarteter Forderungsausfälle. Diese
Going Beyond Regulatory-Mandated Tests to Achieve True Risk Management I regularly hear banking customers talk about ‘sweating their assets’ - leveraging their substantial investments in expanded teams of risk analysts, re-engineered processes and new risk systems for Basel II and III compliance – to gain better insights into their business.
Stress testing is not new to the risk world but has been a major focus since the GFC (Global Financial Crisis). For a number of years now, stress testing has helped analytical specialists quantify various aspects of potential loss. What is new is the introduction of regulatory stress tests which