A previous post, Spatial econometric modeling using PROC SPATIALREG, introduced the SAS/ETS® SPATIALREG procedure and demonstrated its usage to fit both linear and SAR models by using 2013 county-level home value data in North Carolina. In most analysis for spatial econometrics, you rarely know the true model from which your data
Tag: spatial
Model selection for spatial econometrics using PROC SPATIALREG
Spatial econometric modeling using PROC SPATIALREG
In our previous post, Econometric and statistical methods for spatial data analysis, we discussed the importance of spatial data. For most people, understanding that importance is relatively easy because spatial data are often found in our daily lives and we are all accustomed to analyzing them. We can all relate to
Econometric and statistical methods for spatial data analysis
We live in a complex world that overflows with information. As human beings, we are very good at navigating this maze, where different types of input hit us from every possible direction. Without really thinking about it, we take in the inputs, evaluate the new information, combine it with our