Tag: self-care

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
Rhythm of Retreat

We all experience a rhythm of work and rest.  Our hearts illustrate a perfect symphony of sound and silence, effort and recovery.  So why not employee the same method into creating our own rhythm of work and rest? Many cultures incorporate formal and informal observances of rest and retreat in

Work & Life at SAS
Amanda Pack 0
Love Your Body Now!

In June, my husband and I completed this silly race called Storm the Beach – totally out of my norm, it was only 5 miles :)  and included things like climbing, crawling, wading through the ocean, balancing, rope swinging, and running through soft sand.  It was nuts, but so fun,  and

Work & Life at SAS
Page Cvelich 0
Are you missing too many recesses?

Just before my son's wedding this spring, I was considering what I could share about Michael at the rehearsal dinner.  As I sorted through pictures from his childhood, I came across one from 5th grade.  Michael played the main character in Leo Tolstoy's Christmas story, "Papa Panov".  During the performance, he stayed in

Work & Life at SAS
Kim Andreaus 0
Holiday Musings

Here goes - a title for this week’s blog.  Hmmm – How about “A few of my favorite things?”  Um, no.  I think, for me – what would be more apt is “Self Care during the holidays”, or maybe – “Some ways I try to stay sane during the holidays