Gemeenten krijgen nogal wat kritiek te verduren. Er is geen twijfel dat sommige beter kunnen, maar vele zijn sterk gericht op het leveren van hoogwaardige diensten voor hun burgers. Echter, deze 'goed nieuws' verhalen komen zelden in de pers - zelfs niet in de lokale kranten in rustige weken. Zoals
Tag: network analysis
Local government gets some bad press. There is no doubt that some could be better, but many are strongly focused on delivering high-quality services for their citizens. However, these "good news" stories seldom make the press – even in local newspapers in slow weeks. Like most public sector organisations around
Bloomberg Government reported in the 2017 fiscal year that federal agencies could commit more than $1 billion on countermeasures for insider threats. Whether that number turned out to be accurate or not, it highlights the priority that the federal government is placing on protecting its information and data from being
Jazz up your Geo Map or Network Analysis graph by applying icon-based display rule markers instead of color markers on the map. With SAS Visual Analytics, you may have already used display rules by populating intervals or adding color-mapped values for report objects. Now, you can jazz up your Geo
Currently, most fraud detection solutions for financial crime and tax fraud are focused on risk assessing entities. That is to say, they evaluate the risk of each individual or businesses separately. While this helps prioritize risk-based investigations by alerting investigators to the likelihood of fraud, it does not necessarily maximize deterrence.
As the federal government’s ability to collect personally identifiable information has increased drastically in recent years, so have attacks targeting that information. Insider threats are of particular concern, according to the Government Accountability Office's 2015 bi-annual High Risk Report. The GAO specifically states, “Risks to cyber assets can originate from