This is the first of two articles looking at how to listen to what your customers are saying and act upon it – that is, how to understand the voice of the customer. Over the last few years, one of the big uses for SAS® Text Analytics has been to
This is the first of two articles looking at how to listen to what your customers are saying and act upon it – that is, how to understand the voice of the customer. Over the last few years, one of the big uses for SAS® Text Analytics has been to
Is cognitive computing an application of text mining? If you have asked this question, you are not alone. In fact, lately I have heard it quite often. So what is cognitive computing, really? A cognitive computing system, as stated by Dr. John E. Kelly III, is one that has the
Hi, there! First of all, let me introduce myself, as this is my first blog. I am Simran Bagga, and three weeks ago I became the Product Manager for Text Analytics at SAS. This role might be new to me, but text analytics is not. For the past 12 years,
In today’s world of instant gratification, consumers want – and expect – immediate answers to their questions. Quite often, that help comes in the form of a live chat session with a customer service agent. The logs from these chats provide a unique analysis opportunity. Like a call center transcript,
Recently, I have been thinking about how search can play more of a part in discovery and exploration with SAS Text Miner. Unsupervised text discovery usually begins with a look at the frequent or highly weighted terms in the collection, perhaps includes some edits to the synonym and stop lists,
The benefits of big data often depend on taming unstructured data. However, in international contexts, customer comments, employee notes, external websites, and the social media labyrinth are not exclusively written in English, or any single language for that matter. The Tower of Babel lives and it is in your unstructured
When I ask people what they know about Denmark they often mention Hans Christian Andersen. He was born in Denmark in 1805 and is one of the most adored children’s authors of all time. Many of his fairy tales are known worldwide as they have been translated into more than
~ This article is co-authored by Biljana Belamaric Wilsey and Teresa Jade, both of whom are linguists in SAS' Text Analytics R&D. When I learned to program in Python, I was reminded that you have to tell the computer everything explicitly; it does not understand the human world of nuance
Double negatives seem to be everywhere, I have noticed them a lot in music recently. Since Pink Floyd sang "We don't need no education", to Rihanna's "I wasn’t looking for nobody when you looked my way". My own favourite song with a double negative is "I can't get no sleep" - Faithless. This
Today’s natural language processing (NLP) systems can do some amazing things, including enabling the transformation of unstructured data into structured numerical and/or categorical data. Why is this important? Because once the key information has been identified or a key pattern modeled, the newly created, structured data can be used in