Tag: financial crime

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Min-Gi Cho 0
통합 금융 범죄에 대처하는 가장 효과적인 방법, 'FRAML'

자금 세탁 방지와 사기 방지 환경의 통합 접근 방안 금융 범죄의 현황과 대응 금융 범죄(Financial Crimes)라 함은 개인적 사용 및 사익을 위해 불법적으로 재산의 소유권을 전환하는 모든 불법 행위를 포함하는 광범위한 용어입니다. 금융 범죄는 다양한 유형의 사기(Fraud), 절도(Theft), 스캠(Scam), 탈세(Tax Evasion), 뇌물 수수(Bribery), 횡령(Embezzlement), 신원 도용(Identity Theft), 위조(Forgery) 등에 의해

Fraud & Security Intelligence
From fraud detection to fraud prevention: working towards optimal audits

Currently, most fraud detection solutions for financial crime and tax fraud are focused on risk assessing entities. That is to say, they evaluate the risk of each individual or businesses separately. While this helps prioritize risk-based investigations by alerting investigators to the likelihood of fraud, it does not necessarily maximize deterrence.

Carl Farrell 0
Fighting fraudsters

You might assume that a battle-tested businessman with a gruff exterior and a taste for salty language lacks an inner child, but you’d be wrong. Exhibit A is this little-known fact: I have a soft spot for animated Disney movies. Now, I could try to bluff a bit and say