A team of SAS employees recently participated in a data-for-good project focusing on forest fires in the Amazon. In conjunction with the Amazon Conservation Association (ACA), the team explored options to collect and analyze publicly available imagery and fire data to better understand the drivers for forest fires as well
Tag: feature engineering
Fighting the Amazon forest fires with advanced analytics
Love at first sight: authentic or absurd?
Have you ever wondered if love at first sight really exists? And if it exists, what qualities are people drawn too? Watch any romantic comedy and you’ll see this phenomenon play out on the big screen. Which begs the question, “If it can happen to them why not me?” Let’s
Automate your feature engineering
In machine learning, a feature is another word for an attribute or input, or an independent variable. What is feature engineering? Feature engineering is a process of preparing inputs for machine learning models. The goal of feature engineering is to to improve classification accuracy by considering the limitations of the