Jim Harris examines coronavirus terms that are crucial to data-driven decisions in the pandemic.
Jim Harris examines coronavirus terms that are crucial to data-driven decisions in the pandemic.
In the third post of his series, Jim Harris looks at types, terms and timing of coronavirus tests.
Could you pass a test on coronavirus testing terms? Jim Harris can help.
Dashboards and metrics support data-driven decisions – if you understand the terms.
.@philsimon asks some fundamental questions about taking the next step with #bigdata.
It's a common problem in any industry: getting a large number of similar requests for information. But with limited resources and an already overburdened staff, how do you handle it? At El Paso Community College, analysts from the Institutional Research (IR) team enlisted the help of IT to create a data
Si entre las preguntas que se plantea en su gestión están ¿cómo mejorar la presentación de mis reportes?, ¿cómo puedo comunicar a la organización información clave de una forma clara, sencilla y oportuna? Entonces le interesará saber cómo la Visualización Analítica ayuda a las organizaciones en el mejor entendimiento y
How much of your business performance (profit) is driven by external factors versus internal? A figure of 85% compared to 15% was mentioned at last month’s Manufacturing Analytics Summit, and although I could not find the study mentioned to confirm, it feels about right to me. Certainly more than half,