SAS' Kelly Fellingham, an advanced analytics software developer, reveals how SAS software's new SASEBEA interface helps you identify patterns in US economics data.
SAS' Kelly Fellingham, an advanced analytics software developer, reveals how SAS software's new SASEBEA interface helps you identify patterns in US economics data.
Active gratitude is the feeling you get when a stranger does something nice for you without expecting anything in return. While both are beneficial for our health, there is a statistically significant, positive correlation between active gratitude and pro-sociality (r = 0.374), that is not present with passive gratitude. In other words, random acts of kindness trigger other random acts of kindness to other people, which is both good for us and good for society.
A team of SAS employees recently participated in a data-for-good project focusing on forest fires in the Amazon. In conjunction with the Amazon Conservation Association (ACA), the team explored options to collect and analyze publicly available imagery and fire data to better understand the drivers for forest fires as well