Tag: US Regional Conferences

SAS Events
Steve Overton 6
The wait is killing me!

Once you have submitted your abstract for SAS Global Forum, the wait is on!  It can be very grueling, especially for first time presenters who don’t know the ropes yet. The key is not to second guess yourself or your idea. The wait can be long, weeks or even months,

SAS Events
Christina Harvey 0
Too much CLASS for the MEANS procedure

Have you used the MEANS procedure to calculate frequencies: for several variables in the same step? without sorting the data first? without checking for missing values? using the TYPE statement and the CLASS statement together? At the recent SouthEastern SAS Users Group conference, Janet Willis shared what can go wrong

SAS Events
Waynette Tubbs 0
PROC ARIMA: Penetrating the matrix

Justin Smith and William “Gui” Zupko were looking at manufacturing data over time and wanted to know the minimum value in their dataset, and they wanted to pinpoint its exact location – the specific row and column. PROC ARIMA uses the ARIMA (auto-regressive integrated moving average) model or the ARMA

SAS Events
Christina Harvey 0
NESUG 2012 Student Scholarship winners

Congratulations to this year's NorthEast SAS Users Group Student Scholarship winners!   Student scholarships make it possible for young professionals to learn new SAS skills, meet other SAS users, hear about innovative new research, and network with other professionals from around the world. Rachel Bray, University of Maryland College Park, is pursuing a

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