
Waynette Tubbs 1
SAS presenters series: I-kong Fu

In hopes of adding to your SAS Global Forum experience, we've kicked off a SAS presenters series. Here, we’ve asked some of the SAS presenters five questions to learn more about what makes them tick, why they chose to present and what they hoped you would take away from the

Waynette Tubbs 0
Two Takes: Doing More with Less

I had the opportunity to sit in on two presentations yesterday that ran back-to-back and seemed to provide a complementary message to SAS users in government and public service. It gave me the idea to post a few comments on both. Ben Zenick, Doing More with Less Ben Zenick, the

Waynette Tubbs 0
SAS presenters series: Howard Plemmons

In hopes of adding to your SAS Global Forum experience, we've kicked off a SAS presenters series. Here, we’ve asked some of the SAS presenters five questions to learn more about what makes them tick, why they chose to present and what they hoped you would take away from the

Waynette Tubbs 0
Mathematic Czar’s magic begins with statistics

Today’s lunch with Dr. Arthur Benjamin, self-proclaimed mathemagician and Professor of mathematics at Harvey Mudd College, was everything it was hyped to be. Benjamin combines light math puzzling and his lively sense of humor for a show that keeps even an analytical audience entertained. He opened the show with a

Waynette Tubbs 1
SAS presenters series: Chris Hemedinger

In hopes of adding to your SAS Global Forum experience, we've kicked off a SAS presenters series. Here, we’ve asked some of the SAS presenters five questions to learn more about what makes them tick, why they chose to present and what they hoped you would take away from the

Waynette Tubbs 0
International Users: Building bridges

SAS Global Forum is aptly named: SAS users are spread throughout the world, and many of those users are here this week. Nearly 25 percent of SAS Global Forum 2009 attendees are from outside the US. Monday evening’s International Forum and Reception was hosted by the SAS Global Users Group

Anne-Lindsay Beall 0
Who attended SAS® Global Forum 2009?

The numbers are in and SAS Global Forum 2009 had strong attendance with 3,353 attendees. What do we know about the SAS professionals who gathered in Washington, DC, this week? • 25 percent of attendees traveled here from outside the United States. • The top 10 countries represented were: Canada,

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