
Waynette Tubbs
Editor, Marketing Editorial

Waynette Tubbs is a seasoned technology journalist specializing in interviewing and writing about how leaders leverage advanced and emerging analytical technologies to transform their B2B and B2C organizations. In her current role, she works closely with global marketing organizations to generate content about artificial intelligence (AI), generative AI, intelligent automation, cybersecurity, data management, and marketing automation. Waynette has a master’s degree in journalism and mass communications from UNC Chapel Hill.

SAS Events
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IFSUG Summit Call for papers

~Contributed by Rex Pruitt, IFSUG Chairman One of the newest SAS users groups has settled on a date, time and place for its first formal get-together. IFSUG (Insurance & Finance SAS Users Group) will meet March 4-6 in the new SAS Executive Briefing Center in Cary, NC. The IFSUG Summit will

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Sy Truong reporting from WUSS 2011

If you've been to a SAS Forum, US SAS Regional or local SAS event, you know that it is impossible to see and hear everything that is on your list. Imagine how disappointed your SAS colleagues are who are sitting at home. They would love to hear about what you

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Thanks from NESUG 2011 conference co-chairs

~Contributed by Paul Gorrell and Warren Stinson, Conference Co-Chairs There were 384 attendees from 23 states and 6 countries gathered at the Holiday Inn By The Bay in Portland, Maine for three days to present, discuss, code, blog and tweet, using both familiar and new ways to share SAS expertise.  There

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