Tag: sas users

Shelly Goodin 0
FREE eBook promotion for What's New in SAS 9.3

contributed by SAS Publishing's Shelly Goodin There's been a lot of excitement, inside and outside of SAS, about the recent release of SAS 9.3. And there is a wealth of useful information to keep you informed about the latest offerings. For instance, you can learn more about SAS 9.3 by

Shelly Goodin 0
5 Places to Hang Out with SAS Authors

They’re smart, technically savvy, and accessible. Yes, I am biased but SAS Press authors are a uniquely gifted brain trust for SAS and JMP users. Besides getting to know them from their white papers, books, or author pages—you can interact with them in a variety of places. Here’s a quick

Shelly Goodin 1
What's SAS, green, and read all over?

On St. Patrick’s Day there are green rivers, mugs of green beer, and lots of green outerwear. I’m not sure what percentage of SAS Publishing book covers are green, but it's high. And in all probability for good reason. Besides being the most appealing color to the eye (I didn’t

Shelly Goodin 0
Hug a Book! It's World Book Day

Contributed by SAS Publishing’s Shelly Goodin I’m kind of embarrassed to admit that I just learned yesterday that World Book Day is TODAY, March 3. So I visited the World Book Day Website to find out more. Our book loving friends in Ireland and the United Kingdom apparently launched this

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