Tag: business intelligence

Angela Hall 2
DI Studio Code Importer for Comments

In DI Studio 4.3, SAS offers a code importer utility that can assist with moving legacy SAS code into an enterprise DI environment. The importer uses PROC SCAPROC to analyze and translate the code into DI Studio components. There is also a neat utility to bring in code comments and

Angela Hall 0
GEO Dimensions in OLAP Cubes

I've written about this topic before, but find that more people are interested in how this works. Hoping to provide more detail below. Let me know if I missed anything! When using the 'GEO' dimension type in SAS OLAP Cubes, users will not see anything new unless the OLAP cube

Angela Hall 2
What's that color?

There are times when I'm looking for the right color to highlight an item or otherwise make output beautiful. As a result, I am always struggling to find good colors to use in my output. SAS Support to the rescue. They have created a program that displays the 256 colors

Angela Hall 1
Program formatting in Enterprise Guide 4.3

As Chris Hemedinger has written in several of his blog posts, SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3 has many more formatting options. I particularily enjoyed the 'CTRL-i' option to reformat SAS code with indents and carriage returns to make my programs even more readable. The 'CTRL-e' and 'CTRL-SHIFT-e' keyboard shortcuts are also

Angela Hall 4
Using Stored Processes to Improve Information Maps

Integrating Stored Processes into Information Maps can improve process performance as well as provide extra flexibility and complete query generation control. In order to showcase how powerful this combination is, I am presenting this topic during a SAS Talks webinar session this Thursday, December 16th. The scope of the example will

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