Tag: authors

The uncertain future

In the long run we’re unemployable. Not because we’re lazy or incompetent. It’s because we’re replaceable. I’ve spent much of the eighteen months trying to impress on people how real this is. It’s not something that’ll happen “one day”. It’s happening now, everywhere we look. Once upon a time, I

Maggie Miller 0
Beyond traditional forecasting

David Corliss of Ford Motor Co. is currently writing a book about clustering methods in time series analysis. I caught up with him at the Analytics 2014 conference in Las Vegas last month (where he was also presenting on this topic) to talk about these methods and why he decided

The innovation vampire

Innovation is easy. All you need to do is three things.  First, have a great idea. Go on, I’ll wait. Next, make it happen. And, once that’s done, just make sure you work out how to commercialise it somehow. Innovation’s never simple, even at the best of times. Moving from

The New Normal is Strange

The first time I used the Internet it blew my mind. As a diplomat brat, at any point in time everyone I knew was everywhere but where I was. Thanks the miracles of Gopher, Veronica, IRC and email, the tyranny of distance didn’t seem so oppressive any more. When I

Let’s chat about big data and innovation

 “The best data scientists are those that combine deep statistical / data / machine learning skills with domain knowledge.” “[Most companies] haven't properly addressed the need for cultural change!... There's still this prevailing perception that it's a technology & skills problem.” “Analytics only ever tells you one of two things—it

Cindy Puryear 0
The Most Unusual Way You’ve Learned JMP

How do you learn best? In your sleep, when the unconscious mind is most receptive to suggestions? Calling to the “powers that be” for one of those “aha” moments when everything just sinks in? Swearing to your parents that you were actually studying when you came up with this plan?

Michele Burlew 3
Three reasons to learn SAS macro facility

People tend to think of the SAS macro facility as something to tackle when you’ve reached ‘advanced programmer’ status. But macro programming can be easy to learn, and it allows you to work faster and more effectively. Here are three reasons why you should consider learning the macro facility, even

Shelly Goodin 0
Are We Listening Yet? Tools of Change 2011

Contributed by SAS Publishing's Julie M. Platt, Mary Beth Steinbach, Shelly Goodin, and Sandy Varner Wednesday, February 16 Julie M. Platt TOC ended with a series of presentations that focused in how to get content noticed. In thinking about our authors, their content, and our users, my key takeaways today