A different view of US immigration


Have you ever found a graph of some interesting information, but the graph was difficult to understand (or even misleading). I strive to fix those graphs - this time it's a graph of US immigration data...

I found the following immigration graph on the flowingdata website - it's a screen-capture of an animated slideshow that (I believe) was created by Alvin Chang.


It was an interesting topic, but I found the graph a bit difficult to understand, and even a bit misleading. Here are a few of the problems I see with the graph (in no particular order):

  • It is difficult to read the text on the axes, since it is graph text on a black background.
  • The colors in the bars do not match the colors in the legend (the bars seem darker). For example, I first thought the reddish color predominant in the bars before 1920 matched 'Oceania' in the legend (and I thought that very strange). I later found that matched Europe.
  • The bar heights only go to about 10 million, but the vertical axis goes to 24 million (I assume this is to make room for the map in the background?).
  • There is a world map in the background, but it doesn't add to the data analysis - it's just a decoration and a distraction.
  • When I first looked at the graph, I thought it odd that immigration had dropped off after 2010, but upon closer examination I found that the 2010/11/12/13 bars represented single-year values, whereas all the other bars represented decades.
  • And I'm not a big fan of creating the bars out of small 'building blocks' instead of using the traditional stacked bar.A different view of US immigration #dataviz Click To Tweet

I think this data is interesting and important, and it deserves a better graph - therefore I set about creating one. First I located the data (Table 2) on the US Homeland Security website. I wrote some SAS code to import the Excel Spreadsheet, transpose it, and create a more standard bar chart that is easy to read, and avoids things that could cause the user to misinterpret the data.


I'm not a big fan of showing the world map in the background, but I decided to add that in order to show how it could be done in a way that might actually help visualize the data. Notice that the regions in my map are color-coded to match the bars and legend. I created the map separately with Proc Gmap, and then annotated it into the Proc Gchart bar chart. Click the image below to see the full size graph, with html hover-text.


What other ways might you visualize this data? Feel free to share your ideas in the comments section!


About Author

Robert Allison

The Graph Guy!

Robert has worked at SAS for over a quarter century, and his specialty is customizing graphs and maps - adding those little extra touches that help them answer your questions at a glance. His educational background is in Computer Science, and he holds a BS, MS, and PhD from NC State University.

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  1. Robert -
    BRAVO - I'm so excited to see this graph. As a personal challenge, I have been studying US immigration for two years and I've created a powerpoint presentation "US Immigration - The Basics" which I am not giving in both Charlottesville, Virginia and Green Valley, Arizona (where we spend the winters).
    I would like permission to transport this graph into my presentation.
    Can I attribute it to you "Robert Allison - DHS data" in my presentation?

  2. Is it possible to split a sub group of a region? For example since the hot topic now is immigration from the Arab regions I'm curious of that region's immigration over time but it's lumped in with Asia as a whole. South America vs Mexico. Europe vs. The Americas etc.

  3. Robert,

    Great post. A few suggestions in response to your question:

    - Show a 2010-2019 forecast of immigration using the 4 years of data already provided as an input into the forecast model (I know a tool you can use for this!)
    - Overlay "US Emigration" to better show the net population flows due to moves for a given decade
    - Overlay overall population stats for same time periods so you can show to what extent immigration is contributing to our overall numbers
    - Don't show it as a bar graph at all, and consider stealing a concept from digital marketers by creating a citizen journey map from one region to the next

    Have a great day!

  4. Excellent graph/map/legend presentation mix! I did not get though why the regions in the legend are shown in reverse alphabetical order. Also, could the legend instead of being a separate color pallet be overlaid on the map itself?

  5. Fantastic data visualization improvement!

    I like how you've improved the bar chart and incorporated geography as a type of legend rather than as a background image. I did notice my eye was going between the text-based legend and the map and was wondering if you placed the text partially over the continents, the map could be used as the legend with an on-the-side purple box for Not Specified.

    I find it strange the original chart didn't have a consistent x-axis interval. Goes to show how data visualizations can be easily misinterpreted or maybe that was the intention to display a decline in the last decade?

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