An assortment of activity at Global Forum


This year at SAS Global Forum, the theme is “Strength in Numbers” and SAS Education is offering a number of training and certification opportunities to strengthen your SAS knowledge.

We hope that you will take advantage of this unique chance to take a class, get SAS certified and attend the SAS Global Forum 2013 crowd for enlightening discussions and networking.  Here are a few quotes from the instructors that will be teaching classes at SAS Global Forum either before or after the conference.  Hope to see you there!

  • DataFlux Data Management Studio: Basics | April 24-26
    “Join me as I take you down the DataFlux methodology path of PLAN-> ACT -> MONITOR. You’ll learn the basics (& much more!) of working with the various Data Management Studio components as they fit in to the DataFlux methodology. Also, during class you can interact with other SAS Global Forum attendees to PLAN evening activities available in fabulous San Francisco, ACT out these plans, and I will MONITOR your results!” - Kari Richardson, Education Manager, SAS Information Management
  • Statistics 1: Introduction to ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression | April 24-26
    “Calling all SAS users! This is a great time for that college statistics refresher class you’ve been thinking you should take. In this class, you’ll get your Type 1 and Type 2 errors untangled, relearn what a hypothesis test is all about, and finally see the light on ANOVA, regressions, and learn what’s up with that P value. Odds are – you’re gonna like this class!”  - Rich Papel, Principal Technical Training Consultant
  • Applied Clustering Techniques | May 2-3
    “Isn’t SAS Global Forum great? There is so much to learn and so many new people to meet. So, how are you going to report back to your managers and friends what you have learned and whom you have met? Well, take the Applied Clustering Techniques course and learn how to summarize those people into 5 or 6 relatively distinct groups and those presentations into 3 or 4 categories. Your managers will appreciate the succinct reports and your friends will quickly get the gist of who attends these awesome conferences.”  - Marc Huber, Sr. Analytical Training Consultant
  • SAS® Enterprise Guide® 2: Advanced Tasks and Querying | May 2-3
    “If you have been using point-and-click SAS® Enterprise Guide® for a while, but would like to do more complex data manipulation and summarization, join me in San Francisco for the SAS Enterprise Guide 2 course! We will cover many tasks from the Data menu, prompts, conditional execution in the process flow, SAS functions, and complex summarization in the Query Builder.”  - Stacey Syphus, SAS Enterprise Guide Curriculum Team Lead
  • SAS® Macro Language 1: Essentials | May 2-3
    “I just finished my latest revision to SAS Education’s ever popular SAS Macro Language 1 course, so I am excited to teach it for the first time at SAS Global Forum. Y’all come!”- Jim Simon, Principal Technical Training Consultant
  • Structural Equation Modeling using SAS | May 2-3
    “Structural equation modeling is the cornerstone of multivariate statistics, and SAS Global Forum is a great time to learn about it! This course will teach you all you need to know to use the new and improved CALIS procedure in SAS/STAT®!” - Catherine Truxillo, Manager, Analytical Education

The following courses are also being offered. Register here.

  • SAS® Programming 3: Advanced Techniques and Efficiencies | April 24-26
    Christine Riddiough
  • Predictive Modeling using Logistic Regression | May 2-3
    Mike Patetta
  • SAS Functions by Example | May 2-3
    Ron Cody

Don’t stop at training - get SAS Certified!

Speaking of strength in numbers, the SAS Global Certification program is celebrating a rather impressive milestone: 50,000 certification credentials have been awarded worldwide!  To commemorate this, we are offering all Certification exams at SAS Global Forum for only $50! And, we aren’t stopping there – if you are ready to take the SAS Base Certification exam, and sign up to take it at SAS Global Forum (or through Pearson VUE during the week of April 26-May 3), we’ll throw in the review course for FREE.

  • SAS® Certification Review: Base Programming for SAS®9 | April 22-25
    (morning or afternoon Live Web sessions available!)
    “Over 100 students! I have been teaching SAS classes for over 15 years but have never had the opportunity to teach over 100 students in a four-day span. That is about to change! Su Chee Tay and I are team teaching this free event - morning and afternoon. Check out the details above and join in this one-time event.  Heck, let’s make it 200 students that we get to teach!”
    - Michele Ensor, Principal Technical Training Consultant
    with Su Chee Tay, Principal Technical Training Consultant

Hurry, certification registration closes on April 20!


About Author

Aubrey Barfield

Product Marketing Manager

Hi, I'm Aubrey Barfield and I have worked in the Education Division at SAS since 2000 helping put a creative spin on all things analytics. I focus on promoting in-person events like SAS Global Forum, virtual learning opportunities and special offers. I enjoy strong coffee, well-balanced wine and good discussions.

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