Tag: oil and gas

Ian Jones 0
VirtualOil portfolio benchmarking and VaR backtesting

As a simulation exercise, SAS has created a fictitious oil portfolio, VirtualOil, which readers can use as a generic benchmark against their physical oil commodity book’s performance. Each month, we reflect on what the visual analytics can tell us about the portfolio’s movement, with additional commentary and granular chart views

Carl Farrell 0
Energized about energy

I’ve been told I have rocks for brains before, but right now I have rocks on the brain – the kind that are millions of years old and contain precious stores of oil and gas. One reason I have petroleum on my mind is that I’ve just returned from Brazil, where

Data Management
Alyssa Farrell 0
A must-read for petroleum professionals

Oil companies are being forced to explore in geologically complex and remote areas to exploit more unconventional hydrocarbon deposits.  New engineering technology has pushed the envelope of previous upstream experience.  No guidebook existed on how computing methodologies can contribute to E&P performance at reduced risk.  Until now. A new book

David Pope 1
Predictive analytics described in one word

At SAS Global Forum 2014 customers were asked to describe SAS in one word and they came up with quite a few including awesome, powerful, data, fun, easy, and of course statistics, analytics, and PROC.   Then I gave it some thought on what one word would I choose to describe SAS.  This

David Pope 2
Why analytics is better than simple if-then business rules

What's the differences between predictive analytics and basic reporting? Predictive analytics provides insight about what will happen in the future. Basic reporting only looks at past performance. Why is this difference difficult to grasp? It's partly because transitioning to predictive analytics requires change. And most people don't embrace change. Take

Data Management
David Pope 0
The magic of ESP for the oil and gas industry

Acronyms are funny things. Need an example? Try decoding this sentence: How is event stream processing (ESP), applied to electrical submersible pumps (ESP) in the oil and gas industry, like extrasensory perception (ESP)? Even if you had extrasensory perception you would still need some clarification if that sentence contained acronyms only.