Tag: high-performance analytics

Data Management
Anne Belder 1
Hadoop: the game-changer in banking

At most banks, data is stored in separate databases and data warehouses. Customer data is stored in marketing databases, fraud analyses are done on transactional data, and risk data is stored in risk data warehouses. Oftentimes even liquidity, credit, market, and operational risk data is stored separately as well. Bringing

Mark Torr 0
How Hadoop emerged and why it gained mainstream traction

In the world of IT, very few new technologies emerge that are not built on what came before, combined with a new, emerging need or idea. The history of Hadoop is no exception. To understand how Hadoop came to be, we therefore need to understand what went before Hadoop that led to its creation. To understand

Mark Torr 0
When does speed become a trap?

For many years companies have been working to increase their use of predictive analytics and to execute analytic models faster on increasingly granular and growing volumes of data. Recently, there has been a great focus on "faster" from a  technology standpoint, as modelers seek to iterate quickly and fail fast on

Steve Polilli 0
How are Hadoop deployments like snowflakes?

Because every single Hadoop deployment, like the structure of a snowflake, is different. For the open source big data framework, there are different distributions from various Hadoop vendors and all implementations are, or should be, tailored for that specific organization’s needs. And given this infinite variety of Hadoop foundations, the analytics

Carl Farrell 0
Energized about energy

I’ve been told I have rocks for brains before, but right now I have rocks on the brain – the kind that are millions of years old and contain precious stores of oil and gas. One reason I have petroleum on my mind is that I’ve just returned from Brazil, where

Citigroup and AIG talk big data

Jill Dyché, internationally recognized speaker, author and business consultant, spends her days talking to businesses about big data – how they’re using it, challenges, successes, strategies, plans and more. What she’s hearing again and again from IT leaders is that they have to innovate with big data, move quickly and