
Where the Forest God Dwells

In the Kalevala the God of the Forest is called Tapio. The Kalevala, also known as the land of heroes, is the national epic of Finland and is not only an extremely important work to the Finns but also an important contribution to world literature. For example, the meter in

Peter Dorrington 0
Specifying for programme failure

I've been spending the last few months working on a major business transformation programme, and it's an exciting place to be. As part of the steep learning curve involved in adapting a generic approach to something specific for the programme I find myself occasionally having an "ah ha!" moment -

Ken King 0
The newest book on my shelf

Have you ever wished you could find a book that would explain business intelligence (BI) to a telecom expert? Or a book that would explain the telecom industry to someone who understands BI? Business Intelligence for Telecommunication by Deepak Pareek is that book. The first half of the book gives

Greetings from Finland

I just returned from my 3 weeks summer vacation and getting adjusted to coming to work again hasn't been easy. They say it gets better over time, though. My main job here in Finland is focusing on the SAS 9 architecture, including installation, integration, security and implementation. My platform of

Alison Bolen 1
I just hired someone using Facebook

The problem with reading dozens and dozens of blogs is that you eventually start to think you've nothing left to say that hasn't already been said on somebody else's blog. For instance, you might come across an interesting article about enterprise software and consider writing your reactions. Maybe you think

Chris Hemedinger 2
SAS in the class -- on demand

SAS has a rich heritage in academia, and we know that lots of colleges (and even some high schools) use SAS to teach students statistics and research methods. Now SAS (the company) has made it easier for professors to offer courses that use SAS. This fall, SAS offers the SAS

Alison Bolen 1
Rolling around in the SAP Global Survey

I've been following Shel Israel's responses to the SAP Global Survey with interest: learning a lot from those I've read but wondering in the back of my mind, "Where are all the little guys?" Definitely, I like to read what the social media gurus are thinking - but I'm even

Chris Hemedinger 0
Sucking an elephant through a straw

Before you can analyze data, you have to get to it (or them, if you're a "data is plural" sort of person). Don't you sometimes wish you could simply "Google Map" your data topology to see the quickest route to get to it? Sometimes, point-and-click applications make it almost too

Alison Bolen 1
Even more Friday fastlinks

This is by far the funniest post I've read about SecondLife yet. I still haven't dipped my toes into this world. I was tempted to test it out in order to participate virtually in the recent BlogHer conference, but I chickened out. (Shawn Rogers gets the hat tip here for

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