
Leo Sadovy 3
What’s a Budget for?

With the exception of the occasional James Bond movie that proves the rule, we don’t as a matter of course combine our modes of transportation into one all-purpose vehicle, and we even tend to park our cars, boats and planes in separate facilities. But when it comes to financial management,

Ken King 0
Don’t take my word for it: analytics is hot

Analytics is the hot new buzzword at the TeleManagement Forum (TMForum). Because I am the Communications Industry Marketing Manager for SAS, you would expect me to return from last week’s TMForum Management World conference with tales about the importance of analytics in the telecommunications industry. But I'm not the only

Customer Intelligence
Jonathan Hornby 1
Social Media - from talk to action

Harvard Business Review Analytic Services have recently published an interesting report – The New Conversation: Taking Social Media from Talk to Action. Get it free here. Of the 2,100 organizations surveyed 75% said they didn’t know where their most valuable customers were talking about them. Two thirds of them are

Michael Newkirk 0
What I really want is a speed boat not a tanker

SAS recently commissioned the Wall Street Journal to conduct a survey of top manufacturing executives. In this study, we were interested to know what were the top of mind issues or initiatives that they were considering. Nearly ninety percent of the respondents are employed in a managerial position or higher.

Ken King 1
Don’t get mauled

In a classic Saturday Night Live skit back in the 70s, Dan Aykroyd portrays a man promoting his book about being mauled by a bear. Aykroyd says, “I want to emphasize – Never feed a marshmallow to a grizzly bear like this” He places a marshmallow partly in his mouth

Perfect pumpkin predictions

I was delighted to discover a plentiful choice of pumpkins still available in my local Waitrose late afternoon on Saturday. With less than 24 hours to Halloween, it was essential to procure this item and being the kind of shopper that tends to dash in on the day (at most,

Anne Milley 1
Clap your hands for business analytics

This is the second in my two-post interview series with Gert Laursen and Jesper Thorlund, authors of the book, Business Analytics for Managers: Taking Business Intelligence Beyond Reporting. Part one covered data visualization and the cross-functional purpose of business analytics. Here, we talk about analytic talent, measuring innovation and educating

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