
Shannon Heath 6
How SAS became Stark Industries for a day

As the world gears up for the premiere of Iron Man 3, SAS employees are gearing up to find out whether they will get their 15 minutes of fame on the big screen and how much of our beautiful Executive Briefing Center (EBC) is portrayed in the movie. Folks in the

The value of high-performance analytics

Like Vince said a few days ago, you don’t have to be Goliath to see how the intersection of big data and high performance analytics creates competitive advantage. Let’s also be realistic though: compared to someone like Walmart, pretty much everyone’s David! While Telstra and the Commonwealth Bank may not be the largest companies by global measures, they’re still

Getting to the point of return on analytics

Linking business analytics to economic value is a hard problem. Despite all the smarts that get poured into models, it's hard to tie them to financial measures such as profitability. And, because of that, it's hard to justify investment in analytics. Need headcount? Sorry, try again. Need tools? Sorry, can't

Fueled by optimization and ideas

I'm in what's a very foggy Chicago at the moment, counting down the hours to when we'll be kicking off our SAS pre-conference workshop at INFORMS. I'm very fortunate to be here this year, because I've always been a big believer in using optimization to drive returns. The greatest thing

Sustainable banking - The social dimension

We live in a world of digital communications, where social media provides the global population with the opportunity to come together like never before. This has brought a whole new dimension to consumer interaction. It provides instant channels for information exchange, experience and opinion sharing. Social media and multichannel digital