As utilities expand analytic capabilities into more areas of the business, the reality of the data management challenge becomes very real. Most have accepted the era of "big data." But what about the quality of that big data? Is it reliable? What about the governance? Have the processes changed since
It’s great to get in on something on the ground floor. That’s what happened at the inaugural Data4Decisions Conference and Exhibition held in Raleigh, NC, in March. It brought together business people, academics and students to explore how organizations use data management and analytics technology to enhance business processes and
In my last blog post, I introduced SAS Visual Analytics for UN Comtrade, which helps anyone glean answers from the most comprehensive collection of international trade data in the world. I’d like to share some of what we learned in the development process as it pertains to big data, high
In my last blog I detailed the four primary steps within the analytical lifecycle. The first and most time consuming step is data preparation. Many consider the term “Big Data” overhyped, and certainly overused. But there is no doubt that the explosion of new data is turning the insurance business
As a data scientist, I have the rare privilege of possessing the job title that Tom Davenport and others have dubbed the sexiest job in the 21st Century. As this popular job title catches on, I’ve even noticed a trend where customers make direct requests for help specifically from “the data
It's a common problem: Your organization collects vast amounts and types of data – but it's spread across different departments and locations in various formats and systems. It’s a massive challenge to make all that data available, connected and usable to everyone who needs it. That was the scene at
Bookies have long turned a trade in predicting the fate of our politicians in the general election. According to Ladbrokes, gamblers are set to spend a staggering £100m betting on this year’s result. The outcome of the May 7 vote is anticipated to be the hardest election to predict in
In today’s era of digital marketing, advertisers have access to innovative tools and platforms, which enable them to provide Internet users with more personalized ads. Furthermore, in exchange for such helpful and free service, people do not mind sharing a little bit of personal information as it helps them find
In February of this year, the Washington Business Journal reported the US Government appointed its first Chief Data Scientist, DJ Patil. With this, I think it’s now safe to say that Data Science is officially sanctioned as new mode in organizations. Those that can apply the necessary finesse along with
In the Cold War techno-thriller WarGames, a marine monitoring a nuclear missile silo deep under the Nevada desert sees a red warning light blink on his console. “Just flick it with your finger,” his colleague tells him. He does, and the bulb goes out. Problem solved. But what will their