
John Gottula
Principal Advisor for AI and Biostatistics

Dr. John Gottula is a farmer, data scientist and professor whose technical interests include biostatistics, composite AI and synthetic data. Dr. Gottula cultivates strategic public and private sector partnerships focusing on food, health and the environment, while leading analytics and digital change management projects as an Agile Scrum Product Owner. Additionally, Dr. Gottula stars in the SAS Users Mixed Models YouTube video, leads a network advance agile analytics for agriculture (#AgileAg), and supports analytics-for-research at NC A&T State University, the United States’ oldest and largest Historically Black College and University (HBCU) Land Grant. When not working, John enjoys forestry, gardening and being a girldad.

Artificial Intelligence
John Gottula 0
3 strategies for effective data anonymization for governments

The ancients’ practice of publicizing set-in-stone personal records would run anathema to modern data privacy laws. These days, in lieu of using contemporary personally identifiable records, I anonymized a 4,000-year-old tax record from ancient Babylon to describe three principles for effective data anonymization at scale: Embracing rare attributes: values and

Analytics | Data Management
John Gottula 1
From 9 cows to the future of agtech

The COVID-19 pandemic challenged agriculture and supply chains, but the overarching resilience of agriculture around the world speaks to the industry's efficiency, built-in redundancy and indispensability. In the US, flourishing interactions between government, industry and academic stakeholders underscore how ag represents unity and consilience. And there may be no better