
Jerry Williams
Chief Environmental Officer

As Chief Environmental Officer, Jerry Williams helps lead the development and execution of SAS’ sustainability strategy across operations worldwide. He uses SAS analytic solutions to manage the company’s global operational data, report Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance, identify risks and opportunities, and ensure SAS is compliant with rapidly emerging environmental regulations.   Jerry is a primary facilitator of smart campus and environmental initiatives at SAS and key contributor to ongoing resource efficiency programs. In the community, he is often asked to speak about the urgency of addressing climate change, the benefits of a clean energy economy, plug-in electric vehicle infrastructure, LEED certification, solar and other corporate sustainability initiatives to a wide range of municipal, education and legislative audiences. He actively fosters collaboration and engagement across operations through the deployment of SAS Visual Analytics reporting to front line subject matter experts.

Analytics | Data for Good | Innovation
Jerry Williams 1
AI and sustainability: Balancing innovation with environmental impact

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can drive environmental innovation (EI) in sustainability and reduction of carbon emissions. However, the use of AI itself also comes with environmental costs. The high computational requirements of AI-based systems lead to significant energy consumption, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. The energy consumption of AI systems can