Search Results: modern (405)

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 0
Straight talk about forecasting and machine learning

Are you caught up in the machine learning forecasting frenzy? Is it reality or more hype?  There's been a lot of hype about using machine learning for forecasting. And rightfully so, given the advancements in data collection, storage, and processing along with technology improvements, such as super computers and more powerful

Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Data Management | Data Visualization | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management
Randy Guard 0
How companies can succeed in an analytics economy

Artificial intelligence. Big data. Cognitive computing. These buzzwords are the ABCs of today’s marketplace. In a recent interview at SAS® Global Forum, I discussed the unprecedented pace of change that we’re seeing in the market. It’s creating what I like to call an analytics economy. In this economy, analytics –

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