Breaking down barriers in tech with Code the Dream

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The SAS fellowship program has provided us with a remarkable opportunity to learn from exceptional engineers and gain hands-on experience in developing cutting-edge products. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have the guidance of outstanding mentors. For me, the best part of this fellowship is the amazing people I've had the chance to meet, along with the well-structured trainings that immerse us step-by-step into real-life projects and the SAS culture.
Olena Suvorova


About Author

Lexi Regalado

Lexi is a contributor on the Thought Leadership, Editorial, and Content team at SAS. She tells stories of how customers solve problems with SAS, and of innovation within SAS' Research and Development team. Whether it's a new use for advanced analytics, ethical AI and data management, or a case of #DataforGood, there is always an exciting story to tell.

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