Breaking down barriers in tech with Code the Dream

Showing 10 of 11

My experience at SAS has greatly accelerated my learning journey by immersing me in diverse topics such as design thinking, accessibility, localization, and engaging in wireframe exercises. However, the most valuable aspect of my SAS experience has been the network of incredible and supportive people I have had the privilege to work with. Building these relationships has been my favorite takeaway from this opportunity.
Irene Sanchez


About Author

Lexi Regalado

Lexi is a contributor on the Thought Leadership, Editorial, and Content team at SAS. She tells stories of how customers solve problems with SAS, and of innovation within SAS' Research and Development team. Whether it's a new use for advanced analytics, ethical AI and data management, or a case of #DataforGood, there is always an exciting story to tell.

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