
Chris Hemedinger 0
This is your life...with SAS

If you use SAS for just one purpose, you might be interested to see some of its other uses around your world. This video is also a great link to share with your less-tech-savvy friends/relatives who ask the question: what is SAS and why should I care?

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS and social media: an awesome mashup

SAS recently appointed a Social Media Manager for the company. Check out Dave Thomas' recent interview here. The interview question that must have been edited out: "So, why did you decide to leave Wendy's?" Just like SAS ("what's a shoe company got to do with business analytics?"), I imagine that

Chris Hemedinger 0
Talking Turkey about SAS

From the "how far can we take this metaphor?" department... Want to whet your Thankgiving appetite? Read this blog post from R. L. Burns. The "meat and gravy" section is near the bottom of the post. (Personally, I consider myself the giblets.)

Chris Hemedinger 0
Poetry in commotion

In addition to writing code, SAS R&D developers are very accustomed to writing poems. I don't mean rhyming poetry like sonnets (though we do hear the occasional randy limerick). When a developer wants to make a code change in a SAS product, he or she is required to complete a

Chris Hemedinger 0
The 4-1-1 on Windows 3.11

Have you ever glanced through the obituaries and felt stunned to recognize an old friend? That's how it felt when I saw this announcement about Windows 3.11. One of my first assignments when I joined SAS in 1993 was to write Changes and Enhancements to the SAS System Release 6.10:

Chris Hemedinger 0
Polar bear, polar bear, what do you see?

I see some donors looking at me. At least, that's how I read the last paragraph of this piece about SAS in the local Raleigh newspaper today: WWF, a global conservation group, uses SAS software to determine which potential donors to contact, and how frequently. One recent campaign boosted WWF's

Chris Hemedinger 0
The boss makes it to yet another list

I know it's difficult to keep track of all of the lists that feature Jim Goodnight. But I thought it was especially interesting when I saw him on someone's "bucket list". I'm not sure if the list in priority order. Dr. Goodnight falls just below Thomas Friedman, but ahead of

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS Nerd alert!

Being a nerd, which is to say going too far and caring too much about a subject, is the best way to make friends I know. - Sarah Vowell I recently read A Short Illustrated History of the Nerd and it got me thinking: am I a SAS nerd? Consider:

Chris Hemedinger 0
My mother, the Computer

40 years ago, my mother was a Computer. No, she was not an ENIAC or UNIVAC or any such room-sized piece of hardware. (Although some of my friends might think that this explains a lot about my personality.) This is my mother we're talking about here! Instead, she assisted aerospace

Chris Hemedinger 0
He said we're popular!

In this article about next-generation BI, a Forrester analyst cites a few of SAS' strengths and mentions SAS Enterprise Guide specifically: If SAS needs to work on anything, he continues, it's in reducing its dependence on the SAS programming language, which is a requirement to use some advanced features. "With

Chris Hemedinger 0
Overheard in the SAS discussion forums

There are some interesting conversations going on in the SAS discussion forums. Don't be left out: go have your say, today! Prairie dogs are red-green colorblind. They can't tell the difference between ERRORs and WARNINGs in their SAS logs. But this SAS user can. Read: WARNINGS, NOTES...Why the heck did

Chris Hemedinger 0
Can't judge a book too quickly...

I read TammiKay's blog post too quickly, and thought for a moment that she was giving away copies of European Vacation, Darwin Awards, and Burning Down the House. It turns out that her blog is not as lowbrow as mine, and she's actually giving away valuable business-related books (the titles

Programming Tips
Chris Hemedinger 0
Mmm, dogfood

Here at SAS, we eat our own dogfood*. Actually, that's an understatement -- it's better to say that we feast on it. I've been using SAS 9.2 (released earlier this year) and SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2 (not yet released) for many months (years, actually) to accomplish several tasks, including to

Chris Hemedinger 0
Heimerdinger, get out of my ego-surfing!

Having an unusual name can be a blessing and a curse. Fortunately, the "curse" part is mostly behind me now because I'm not in high school ("Hem-Ding! Dinger! Heme-lemma-ding-dong!" ). To borrow from Tigger, the most wonderful thing about "Chris Hemedinger"s is that I'm the only one. (Ha! I'm sure