
Waynette Tubbs 0
SAS presenters series: David Shamlin

In hopes of adding to your SAS Global Forum experience, we've kicked off a SAS presenters series. Here, we’ve asked some of the SAS presenters five questions to learn more about what makes them tick, why they chose to present and what they hoped you would take away from the

Waynette Tubbs 0
SAS presenters series: Alec S Fernandez

In hopes of adding to your SAS Global Forum experience, we've kicked off a SAS presenters series. Here, we’ve asked some of the SAS presenters five questions to learn more about what makes them tick, why they chose to present and what they hoped you would take away from the

Waynette Tubbs 0
SAS presenters series: Ron Statt

In hopes of adding to your SAS Global Forum experience, we've kicked off a SAS presenters series. Here, we’ve asked some of the SAS presenters five questions to learn more about what makes them tick, why they chose to present and what they hoped you would take away from the

Waynette Tubbs 0
SAS presenters series: Daniel Jahn

In hopes of adding to your SAS Global Forum experience, we've kicked off a SAS presenters series. Here, we’ve asked some of the SAS presenters five questions to learn more about what makes them tick, why they chose to present and what they hoped you would take away from the

Waynette Tubbs 0
SAS presenters series: Bill McNeill

In hopes of adding to your SAS Global Forum experience, we've kicked off a SAS presenters series. Here, we’ve asked some of the SAS presenters five questions to learn more about what makes them tick, why they chose to present and what they hoped you would take away from the

Waynette Tubbs 0
SAS presenters series: Eric Gebhart

In hopes of adding to your SAS Global Forum experience, we've kicked off a SAS presenters series. Here, we’ve asked some of the SAS presenters five questions to learn more about what makes them tick, why they chose to present and what they hoped you would take away from the

Chris Hemedinger 0
Dave Barry's keynote to SAS Global Forum

Humor writer and Pulitzer-Prize-winning columnist Dave Barry inspired SAS Global Forum attendees during his keynote presentation at the Technical Session. Dave Barry introduced his topic: “High-speed access to DBMS data using SAS 9.1.3 Data Engines” No, that wasn’t it. He just plucked that from the schedule. Then he started with

Waynette Tubbs 0
Technology Connection: News you can use

As you heard in Sunday’s Opening Session, SAS reinvests more than a fifth of total revenue in R&D. According to Mark Torr, Global Technology Practice Director, that investment goes into enhancements, updates and new products that SAS® users – you – request. Torr and several SAS employees performed live demos

Anne-Lindsay Beall 0
Today's highlights from the Conference Chair

~Contributed by Lori Griffin, Conference Chair~ Despite tight travel budgets, more than 3,200 people are registered for SAS Global Forum 2009 -- and 25 percent are from outside the US. Why do SAS users make this conference a priority, travelling hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles to attend? Because for 34

Anne-Lindsay Beall 0
Meet the SAS User Feedback Award winner

At Opening Session, Annette Harris, Vice President of SAS Technical Support told the audience that user feedback is one of the main ingredients for improving the decision-making power of SAS software. “We value your feedback…we encourage it…and we use it….to make our software better and more responsive to our customers’

Waynette Tubbs 0
The Code Doctor is in …

Does your SAS code lack energy? Are your macros not 'mending'? Is your data out of sorts? Not to fear, because here at SAS Global Forum, we have emergency treatment for your SAS code. The new Code Doctors section allows you to bring your problematic SAS programs to a SAS

Anne-Lindsay Beall 0
Flock together at Birds-of-a-Feather sessions

Have you heard fellow attendees talking about the “BOFs” and wondered what language they were speaking? The BOFs (Birds-of-a-Feather sessions) are informal discussion groups that give you the opportunity to meet up with other SAS® users and staff who share your specific interests. The BOFs will be held on the

Waynette Tubbs 0
SAS presenters series

In the short time that I've been with SAS, I've had the pleasure of talking to many SAS users, developers and programmers, and I've had more than a few conversations with the men and women who work in SAS technical support. One of the things that's amused me is how

Chris Hemedinger 0
C U @ #SGF09

Right now I'm packing up my materials for SAS Global Forum. It's actually a lot easier than it used to be. My first SAS conference was SUGI 21 (1996), and we didn't have personal laptop computers or USB drives or fast network connections. Machines were staged weeks ahead of time

Michael Smith 0
Fun Stuff in the SAS Demo Area

By now even the “Secret” truck has left the SAS Worldwide headquarters in Cary, NC for the drive to Washington, DC. (The “non-Secret” truck began its six hour journey to the conference site last Friday, March 13.) As in previous years, we have more than one truck leaving from SAS

Michael Smith 0
SAS Global Forum Hits the Airwaves

If you’re local to the Washington, DC area, you may have heard some radio promotions about SAS Global Forum. It only takes 30 seconds to hear how SAS can help the new administration. Government employees can use the discount code GOVELBD09 to qualify for the special $700 registration rate to