
Advanced Analytics | Machine Learning
Dariusz Jańczuk 0
Is intelligent content on the web the answer to mass content blocking?

As the internet grew in popularity, the marketing industry was quick to see that it had become an important channel for reaching out to potential customers. Websites increasingly began to host ads that were often unconnected with the site content. Advertising content became more widespread and unfortunately, also often obtrusive.

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Johan Sandell 0
Tilaisitko mittatilausrenkaat tietylle tielle?

Monet yritykset Suomessa ovat valinneet avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistoja, koska ne nähdään nopeina ja kustannustehokkaina. Tapauksesta ja liiketoimintatavoitteesta riippuen ne saattavat sitä myös olla. Potentiaalisia asiakkaita kiertäessäni törmään kuitenkin usein henkilöihin, joille avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistojen piilokustannukset ovat tulleet yllätyksenä. Sama asia käy ilmi SASin Isossa-Britanniassa ja Irlannissa teettämästä tutkimuksesta. Yli 90

Petri Roine 0
Analytics at the pole position

A recent survey by Management Events shows that analytics has finally taken the pole position as a top strategic technology and companies are keen to capitalize the potential locked in their data. The needs for analytics are vast and varied. How can IT best manage diverse analytics needs? I will give you

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Visualization
Larry Orimoloye 0
Processing images for real-time decisioning

Predictive modelling solutions typically rely on the availability of good quality data and subsequent models which are estimated in advance using historical data. For example, a credit scoring framework to predict propensity of customer default requires the use of clean processed transactional and demographic data. Datasets used for this type

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