
Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Internet of Things
Samuel Blanquet 0
The factory of the future is not a low-cost proof-of-concept — but proof-of concept is possible

Manufacturers are not like Steve Jobs. He famously didn’t worry about market research when developing the iPod, merely assuming — some would say arrogantly — that the product was so good that everyone would buy it. He was right, but few would have his confidence. Manufacturers, by contrast, tend to

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Morten Krogh Danielsen 0
Datadrevet ledelse skal bekæmpe uønskede infektioner

Uønskede sygehusinfektioner er et område, som både klinikere og politikere tager meget alvorligt i Region Syddanmark. Og ikke nok med det. Regionen præsenterer nu konkrete handleplaner og udbreder et system, der styrker forebygggelse og behandling af uønskede infektioner på samtlige sygehuse i regionen ved brug af datadrevet ledelse. Jeg har

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Customer Intelligence
Kadir Dindar 0
First things first: Marketing needs data integration in order to benefit from AI

There is a huge amount of buzz and excitement about at the moment, all centering on the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to transform marketing.  For example, the EIU reports that executives were on board. Three quarters of those surveyed, were reported to be expecting AI to be used in their

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Tuba Islam 2
Passion and Trust: Improving Developer’s Experience for the Rise of the Analytics Economy

To have a strong position in the analytics economy, the applications for high performance analytics need to be accessible and embeddable. Therefore, developer experience is becoming more and more important. Analytics developers have become the new customers for many technology organisations. Their experience influence decisions and shape the way analytics is

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