I recently reacquainted myself with this excellent Executives Guide to AI from our friends at McKinsey & Company. The authors have distilled a complex topic into something easily digestible while avoiding jargon and hyperbole. While not in the CliffsNotes or Bluffer’s Guide category, this Insights article undoubtedly helps the reader
Autor Convidado: Rui Salsas, Business Analytics Senior Consultant, Mind Source A utilização de ferramentas tecnológicas de apoio e suporte ao negócio já é um fator de diferenciação com largos anos. Para quem recorre à tecnologia SAS, e são muitos os clientes e parceiros, a realidade do passado era uso do
“We are at the cusp of one of the most exciting times in our lives and, if we get our strategy for AI right, then the UK will be able to reap the rewards for our economy for decades to come.” Greg Clark - Secretary of State for Business, Energy
92% dos líderes de IA formam as suas equipas em ética e 74% avalia, semanalmente, os resultados obtidos com a IA Se tivéssemos que destacar uma buzzword dos últimos tempos que vivemos escolheríamos Inteligência Artificial (IA). Uma tecnologia que, sem dúvida, nos transporta para outro patamar da chamada evolução tecnológica. Uma
UK government departments and the wider public sector are under huge pressure to improve service delivery and efficiency. We also know that investments in data analytics and data science play a key role in transforming services to help citizens. So what are the key challenges preventing more widespread adoption of
Deloitte’s 2019 Banking and Capital Markets Outlook begins by stating that “a decade after the crisis, the banking industry is on firmer ground.” Shortly after it asserts that “there may be no better time than now to reimagine digital transformation.” Having tinkered at the margins to keep the lights on,
In my previous post, “Why personalising the student experience is critical to higher education’s viability," we examined the role customer intelligence can play in driving value for universities and students across the higher education journey. Specifically, analytics has a vital role to play in helping decision makers, particularly marketers, to
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are words that evoke a sense of inhumanity, of cold and mechanical functions. In reality, AI is coming closer and closer to reaching human understanding through capabilities like deep learning and natural language processing (NLP). With early chatbots, you had to ask exactly the right
A relação do SAS com o Banco Comercial Português – cujas atividades das operações bancárias se desenvolvem atualmente sob a marca Millennium bcp – começou em 1995, com 5 utilizadores PC Windows. Hoje, passados 24 anos, continuamos junto do maior banco privado português, com a missão de o ajudar a
Artificial intelligence (AI) offers many opportunities for innovation. It already allows us to improve traffic flows, safely manage large crowds of people at events, analyze automated MRI scans for particular diseases and disorders, and check the effectiveness of treatment. However, new privacy legislation – such as the European General Data