Loyalty cards and loyalty programs have existed for many years in the retail trade. Discounts, benefits, special offers, stickers and much else have been tried, but with mixed or no success. In practice, the stores have found it difficult to develop and strengthen customer loyalty, and this probably because we
By Stefan Ahrens, Sr. Solutions Architect, SAS Germany Recently, there has been a hot debate about a Facebook experiment where users unwillingly participated in a psychological study with manipulated news feeds. While the fact that Facebook customers are involved without their prior consent is an entirely valid discussion, let’s not throw away
I SAS institutes klumme i Jyllandsposten var det for nylig vores direktør for forretningsudvikling Lars Kirdan, der besvarede 5 spørgsmål om velfærdsledelse ovenpå de store reformer. Læs den nedenfor. Hvis du interesserer dig for udviklingen i den offentlige sektor, og ikke mindst de nye ledelsesudfordringer, så skulle du også kaste
Michael Helveg Larsen, Relationship Manager hos SAS Institute, svarede for nylig på 5 spørgsmål i Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten om forandringer i energisektoren og i forsyningsselskaber. Her kan du læse (eller genlæse) artiklen: Hvilke forandringer er på vej i energisektoren og i forsyningsselskaberne? -De fleste selskaber i forsyningssektoren har deres rødder som offentlig infrastruktur.
Måden, vi i dag indgår i dialog med borgere på, er i hastig forandring, hvilket er med til at stille nye krav til nuværende arbejdsgange og bagvedliggende systemer hos en lang række offentlige aktører. Vi skal ikke bare arbejde mere effektivt, men også tilpasse os nye kommunikationsformer som mobile applikationer
This Friday I read a comment from recent research on marketing decision-making, which said that the majority of marketers still rely on gut feeling. Noticing at the same time that these marketers point at data as a potential key asset for the marketing department, it seems to support what I
Mark Wolff, Ph.D., consultant in SAS Health and Life Sciences Global Practice team, has spoken at health care conferences in several countries. His latest journey took him to Sweden and Denmark, and I met him when he had just delivered his key note at a conference at Karolinska Institut
Kundeloyalitet er noget, som alle retailere stræber efter og altid har gjort en dyd ud af at prioritere – eller hvad…? Alle retailere er klar over, at kundeloyalitet medfører mere trafik og flere kunder, som køber flere varer med højere avance til følge, og ofte er disse kunder også generelt
I recently spoke to a marketing executive at a large retailer, who had a vision of being able to deliver the right offers to the right people across all relevant channels. Having mastered the existing analogue and digital channels, it was now time to tie together the social media efforts
By Carsten Schmidt, Fellow, Henry Corporation In a 1969 manifesto titled “Design with Nature," a landscape architect named Ian McHarg introduced a concept called the shifting baseline. The concept essentially describes a form of “generational blindness,” which means that our experiences and immediate views limit our perception of reality. Otherwise stated, our