We all know by now that customer experience (CX) is pivotal to any organization's success. Providing seamless, secure, personalized interactions across all customer touchpoints can be transformative. To achieve this, organizations must move beyond siloed functions such as fraud detection and credit risk management, integrating these critical areas with broader
In most countries, the government sector isn’t the first place people look for technological innovation or the rapid adoption of a proven technology. However, governments everywhere are increasingly under pressure to be more productive and to get better value for taxpayers’ money. Many private sector organizations are looking to AI
To stay ahead, organizations must thrive rather than compete. Demand forecasting is one of the most critical tools in this pursuit. Organizations that excel at demand forecasting have a clear edge, whether anticipating customer needs or managing supply chain disruptions. By predicting what customers want and when they’ll want it, companies can
The global hype cycle of AI, driven in large part by ChatGPT, is dying down and real-world artificial intelligence (AI) adoption and application are taking hold. Early adopters are reaping rewards, and AI leaders are driving significant change in their business models. Banking as a sector was quick to grasp
Investment in AI is an obvious target for the insurance sector. Insurers have always been interested in technology that helps detect and prevent fraud and improve underwriting efficiency while speeding processes and reducing – or at least not increasing – costs. But what is the reality in this highly regulated
Dans le paysage technologique actuel, les données synthétiques, nouveau sous ensemble de l’IA générative, apportent de nouvelles pistes de réflexion pour la création des modèles d'intelligence artificielle. Contrairement aux données traditionnelles, pouvant être limitées par des contraintes de biais, de quantité, ou encore des contraintes de confidentialité et de conformité,
The global decline in bee populations has raised alarms worldwide, and Europe is no exception. Almost 30% of European bee species are at risk of extinction, prompting a wave of initiatives to safeguard these crucial pollinators. One such initiative is the Beehive Project, spearheaded by Daan Bijkerk, a data scientist
En un mercado con clientes cada vez más exigentes, la experiencia del cliente se ha convertido en un factor decisivo. En este contexto, la IA generativa emerge como un aliado estratégico, transformando la gestión de la experiencia del cliente y fortaleciendo la relación con ellos. Desde conversaciones automatizadas hasta la
It is unfortunate, but the procurement process is rife with the potential for loss, waste, abuse, and fraud. It requires many different steps to be performed by different departments, including ethics and compliance, audit, procurement, and fraud investigation. Procurement has also been somewhat slower to develop and adopt the kind
In a previous blog post, we discussed how generative AI (GenAI) is experiencing unprecedented popularity, with organizations across various industries eager to unlock its immense potential. We also highlighted potential use cases organizations must identify to unlock GenAI's full potential with credit customer journeys. These can include using chatbots for