
Arthur de Crook

Leading the incubation and acceleration programme of SAS Benelux, called SAS D[N]A Lab, Arthur de Crook is eager to position SAS as innovation partner and ecosystem driver in the space of data and analytics. With his enthusiasm and drive to foster innovation, and his experience as one of the founders of RoboValley in growing flourishing innovation ecosystems, he is set to empower the growth of meaningful and impactful innovation initiatives with the robust analytics foundation offered by SAS.

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SAS Summercamp brings innovations to next level The words curious, passionate, accountable and authentic best describe the atmosphere around the SAS office in Huizen during the SAS D[N]A Lab Summercamp 2022. From 16-19 August, the Dutch SAS office was transformed into a real Summercamp, including an actual campsite. During this

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Arthur de Crook 0
OpenGate platform helps air transport towards the new normal

SAS, uqudo and iLabs Technologies started a collaboration in OpenGate for touchless and safe travel. OpenGate, based on open source technology and open standards, offers a seamless, automated travel solution based on a reliable platform and technical solution. It enables sharing personal, health and location information between border control, air