
Mike Gilliland 0
Usage of forecasting in organizations

The practice of business forecasting falls well short of the potential exhibited in academic research and forecasting competitions. Chris Chatfield* noted this in a 1986 editorial in the International Journal of Forecasting, where he called on statisticians to find a better way of communicating the better use of existing methods

Mike Gilliland 0
Preview of Foresight (Fall 2020)

After a day out shoveling snow from a freak early September storm, here is editor-in-chief Len Tashman's preview of the Fall 2020 issue of Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting. Preview of Foresight (Fall 2020) The Fall 2020 issue of Foresight—number 59 since inception in 2005—features the final installment of

Mike Gilliland 0
Announcing: SAS/IIF Research Grants

The International Institute of Forecasters and SAS® announce two $10,000 grants to support research on forecasting. Per the announcement: Forecasting research has seen major changes in the theoretical ideas underpinning forecasting effectiveness over the last 30 years. However, there has been less impact on forecasting practice. We aim to put this right.

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