Registration is now open for the SAS Analytics Experience 2017, being held September 18-20, in Washington, DC. (The Analytics Experience moves to Amsterdam, October 16-18 -- details on that event to follow.)
For anyone interested in FVA analysis, Chip Wells and I will be delivering a half-day pre-conference training session on Sunday, September 17:
Forecast Value Added Analysis: A Tutorial
Forecast Value Added (FVA) is the change in a forecasting performance metric (such as MAPE or bias) that can be attributed to a particular step or participant in the forecasting process. FVA analysis is used to identify those process activities that are failing to make the forecast better (or may even be making it worse). This course provides step-by-step guidelines for conducting FVA analysis to identify and eliminate the waste, inefficiency and worst practices in your forecasting process. The result can be better forecasts, with fewer resources and less management time spent on forecasting.