The Business Forecasting Deal

Exposing bad practices and offering practical solutions in business forecasting
Mike Gilliland 0
The last of the BFD

It has been my great pleasure writing this blog for the past 12 years, with over 370 posts. In doing so, I have enjoyed the support of my exceptional SAS managers over this time: From Anne Milley and Renee Nocker way back when it started, to Susan Kahler and David

Mike Gilliland 0
Preview of Foresight #63 (2021-Q4)

Following is editor Len Tashman's preview of the 2021-Q4 issue of Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting. Preview of Foresight #63 (2021-Q4) FORESIGHT HALL OF FAME Adopting the idea from other journals that recognize outstanding contributions to the field through best paper awards, we are pleased to announce that

Mike Gilliland 0
M6 Financial Forecasting Competition announced

M6 Financial Forecasting Competition The Makridakis Open Forecasting Center has announced the M6 Financial Forecasting Competition, to begin in February 2022. This will be a "live" competition running through February 2023, with a focus on forecasts of stock price (returns) and risk, and on investment decisions based on the forecasts.

Mike Gilliland 0
SAS/IIF Research Grants (proposals due October 1)

The International Institute of Forecasters and SAS® are funding two $10,000 grants to support research on forecasting. Per the announcement: For the eighteenth year, the IIF, in collaboration with SAS®, is proud to announce financial support for research on improving forecasting methods and business forecasting practice. The award for this year will be