Next week, Work/Life, HCC, and RFC will hold the first ever Sleep Transformation challenge for SAS employees and their adult family members. As part of a series of blogs on sleep by the Work/Life staff, today’s topic is Children and Sleep. Like adults, many children do not get enough
Work/Life Balance
As you may know, Work/Life is partnering with RFC and HCC to launch a Sleep Transformation next month, so I thought I would focus this month’s blog on the importance of sleep for older adults with dementia. We are all aware of the importance of a good night’s sleep,
In her book Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert paraphrases a famous quote by Richard Bach when she writes, "Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them". That saying is now on a sticky note at my desk and a reminder to reflect on the excuses I make for myself.
Sleep has never been my forté. Even as I child, I dreamt of a world where the sun would never set and I could play ad infinitum. When Dr. Gupta opened her "Importance of Sleep" seminar in May with an observation that many people disdain sleep and equate it with
You've seen the terms #squadgoals or #lifegoals - to me, one #worklifebalancegoal is to be able to have time to volunteer outside of work. I could go on about the importance of service and how we are all connected but will have to save that soapbox for a different blog/time. From a happiness
As a hospice social worker I considered it one of my roles to remind patients and families to take moments to slow it down; to look around at the person they were about to lose and the people who were about to experience the loss. I knew it was time
Just before my son's wedding this spring, I was considering what I could share about Michael at the rehearsal dinner. As I sorted through pictures from his childhood, I came across one from 5th grade. Michael played the main character in Leo Tolstoy's Christmas story, "Papa Panov". During the performance, he stayed in
When someone in our life is facing difficult circumstances – whether it be loss, grief, or any number of bad situations - we are often left feeling awkward at best, and useless at worst, in terms of how to respond. We want to offer support, and it is a natural human
Last weekend my boyfriend and I saw a license plate with the letters “E-A-T”. We joked this was a cool license plate, especially as eating food is one of our favorite things to do. I saw two other EAT license plates that weekend and then FIVE more on Monday. It’s funny
Contrary to popular belief, it is okay to: 1.Let yourself feel emotions other than happiness. Happiness is great. I love happiness. But to feel happy 100% of your life is not human. Happiness doesn’t mean denying other feelings like frustration, sadness, disappointment, etc. It takes some confidence and skill to allow yourself to feel