Recently my manager, Dana Aderhold, shared this Psychology Today post that tackles myths of workplace mental health. She highlighted this sentence on the concept of managers serving as brokers of supportive resources: “You do not need to be a therapist to your team—a best practice is to be a broker
Work/Life Balance
This weekend I was in the car with my son and his spouse, and they were listening to one of their new favorite bands. When they got to a song I liked, I asked my son to add it to my playlist. His spouse had never heard of this playlist
This July I'm refreshing the previous Strengthening Your Relationship email series from 2021. The email series offers quick ideas and information within three categories: research and insight, questions for closeness, and weekend activity ideas. As I revisit this content I was reminded of the weekly meeting practice I wrote about
This blog post was originally published in 2019 but recently I have been speaking with a number of parents who are struggling to parent as a team. It seems like a good opportunity to revisit this topic. There are a few common ways that parents find themselves on different pages:
Over 40 years ago Steven Hayes developed ACT Therapy (pronounced as the word "act") which incorporates practices of psychological flexibility and a focus on values. For Work/Life's recent email series, A Month of Values Based Living, Triangle area therapists shared introductions to the six components of ACT Therapy and related
For several years Kim Andreaus and I have taught Powerful Tools for Caregivers, an evidence-based program that teaches skills for self-care and stress management. One of the lessons from the class that always resonates with me is the concept of guilt versus regret. Guilt is shame-based and implies there was
I can bet we have all experienced nights where we lay in bed and find ourselves unable to fall asleep. By watching this six-minute video with Psychiatrist Dr. Duke-Sui, you can learn one technique to help you get to sleep. Listen and then try it tonight! Wishing you a restorative
This blog post was originally published in October of 2019 and the topic has come up so much recently in my conversations with parents, I thought now would be a good time to re-publish it. When it comes to internet safety, I often hear the discussion framed as "to monitor
"Finding and Making Time for Self-Care" is one of my most popular workshops because most of us want to take better care of ourselves but feel like we just don't have time. Here are some of the strategies I use to make time for self-care. Values and Time Exercise Spend
For many the new year brings a renewed sense of commitment to well-being. Our spaces are often complementary to how we feel. Our spaces can either add to our stress or be set up in a way that is supportive as we navigate our days. Last year Work/Life offered an