We Get to Do This


I have always been an active person. From a young age I was taught to be curious and experience the world in whatever way I could. One of the most effective ways for me to experience the world is through movement -  sweating through a particularly intense workout, hiking through a beautiful park, or trekking through a city to a new restaurant.  No matter where I went, or who I spoke to, movement linked these experiences.  I've kept this curious view of the world throughout my life because I am often reminded that I get to do this. I get to move through the world.  I get to continue to develop my health.   And, I get to experience as much as possible.

When sidelined with injury, illness, or a life situation that forces us to adapt the way we move, remember: we still get the opportunity, and frankly, the luxury to move.  Embrace this opportunity!  I am not saying you should go and sign up for the next Spartan Beast...well, maybe you should...but do consider what you could accomplish by moving a little more throughout the day. At the very least, take stock of what physical activities you enjoy the most. You might be surprised by what comes to mind. Share it with someone else and you might be surprised who will come along and move with you!

We get to do this.  We get to move...down the street, in your apartment, around your home. Don’t waste the opportunity, and, better yet, invite someone to move along with you (following recommended social distancing, of course!)


About Author

Ryan Wands

Ryan Wands is an Associate Recreation and Fitness Program Coordinator at the Recreation and Fitness Center with a passion for endurance and mobility training. He enjoys teaching our SAS family intuitive movement while ensuring no one takes themselves too seriously. If you want to talk coffee, obstacle course racing, or metabolism his door is open!

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