Our Storytellers: Nigel Armstead


If you're curious what makes SAS a great workplace, one answer always rises to the top - our people. It's no secret that the people who work here are some of the best and brightest - not to mention the most passionate, accountable, authentic and curious people you'll ever meet.

And at SAS, Your Curiosity Matters, because we believe in what we do. And we know, our innovation in analytics is only as important as what can be accomplished with it.

With over 14,000 employees around the world, it can be a bit challenging to get to meet all of the amazing people who work here. That's why we're kicking off a series where we can introduce everyone - stretching across time zones, country boarders, and business functions. Our people are the ones writing SAS' story, and we want you to meet "Our Storytellers". Today, say hello to Nigel Armstead!

Nigel Armstead - Account Executive, United Kingdom
Meet Nigel Armstead - Account Executive, United Kingdom. Check out Nigel visiting Lisbon and trying a famous Pastel de nata!

What do you do at SAS?

I work on the Education team, helping our customers engage with our Learning and Development services. I travel across the UK and Ireland meeting customers and helping them solve their problems – it’s my favorite part of the job. They’re so enthusiastic about how they’re using our software.

I’m always curious about how our customers learn and apply their SAS skills – this sometimes drives weird and wacky conversations with our Workforce Transformation team about how we can engage learners and make acquiring new skills faster and more fun!

Are you part of one of our Employee Inclusion Groups?


Yes, I'm a member of PRIDE! I was surprised when a colleague told me they struggled coming out as LGBT at work. We strive to create an inclusive culture for employees to be their authentic selves, which is why we created the Be The Best Diversity & Inclusion program in our UKI office. Diversity & Inclusion is a company brand stand, and when we launched our SAS PRIDE Employee Inclusion Group I jumped at the opportunity to join! The mission of the group is to provide a safe and welcoming network for LGBTQ+ employees and allies in support of equality and inclusion.

Which one of our values resonates with you the most?

Passionate. I’m a lifelong learner, and very enthusiastic about learning and development. I love telling customers about our free learning resources to support ongoing development of their SAS skills.

Nigel standing with other Samaritans volunteers.
Nigel volunteering with Samaritans.

What’s something unique about you that you feel like you’re able to bring to your work every day?

Outside of work, I’m a listening volunteer with Samaritans. Samaritans is a charity that provides emotional support for people going through a difficult time or struggling with suicidal thoughts.

I volunteer at least once at least once a week. It’s taught me how to really listen, and to not be afraid of difficult conversations. It also makes me thankful for the love and support I have from my family and friends and appreciate how great of an employer SAS is!

Outside the office, what are you usually up to?

Nigel on vacation in Egypt
Nigel on vacation in Egypt

In addition to volunteering with Samaritans, I love to travel! I take weekend trips around Europe pretty frequently, using my airline loyalty points. My husband and I have been to Egypt, Porto, and Nice in the last six months. Budapest is booked for next month!

What’s your favorite saying?

“Live every day as if it was your last on earth. One day, it will be.” It’s a variation of a Steve Jobs quote.


Want to meet more of our people? Hear more from Our Storytellers.


About Author

Alyssa Grube

Communications Specialist

Alyssa is a Communications Specialist at SAS focused on culture, recruitment marketing and employer branding. She’s a creative storyteller who’s passionate about the intersection of people and brand, and loves sharing the SAS story.

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