Today, I was in a conversation about using Hadoop (a big data platform) for master data management (MDM). I still find it amazing when we have the discussion of what systems feed another system. Many of our friends have spent years creating MDM for customer, product, etc. with success. I'm a
Tag: hadoop
How many companies are using Hadoop as part of their master data management initiative? Come on, raise your hands! Well, maybe a better question is this: How many companies are using Hadoop for enterprise data? From what I have seen, Hadoop is coming along quite nicely. However, it may not be the
More and more organizations are considering the use of maturing scalable computing environments like Hadoop as part of their enterprise data management, processing and analytics infrastructure. But there's a significant difference between the evaluation phase of technology adoption and its subsequent production phase. This seems apparent in terms of how organizations are
.@philsimon on the role of MDM. TLDR: It depends.
The numbers are daunting. More than 40 million Americans have their identities stolen each year. Credit card companies lose more than $200 billion annually due to fraud. Cybercrime-related losses exceed $3 million per claim for large companies. If you’re like me, those stats are enough to give pause. To fuel the concern,
A soccer fairy tale Imagine it's Soccer Saturday. You've got 10 kids and 10 loads of laundry – along with buried soccer jerseys – that you need to clean before the games begin. Oh, and you have two hours to do this. Fear not! You are a member of an advanced HOA
Even the most casual observers of the IT space over the last few years are bound to have heard about Hadoop and the advantages it brings. Consider its ability to store data in virtually any format and process it in parallel. Hadoop distributors, such as Hortonworks, can also provide enterprise-level
.@philsimon lists the gravest data-quality errors.
Back before storage became so affordable, cost was the primary factor in determining what data an IT department would store. As George Dyson (author and historian of technology) says, “Big data is what happened when the cost of storing information became less than the cost of making the decision to
.@philsimon on the convergence between tools such as Hadoop and strategy.