We have updated our software for improved interpretability since this post was written. For the latest on this topic, read our new series on model-agnostic interpretability. Assessing a model`s accuracy usually is not enough for a data scientist who wants to know more about how a model is working. Often
We have updated our software for improved interpretability since this post was written. For the latest on this topic, read our new series on model-agnostic interpretability. Don`t jump into modelling. First, understand and explore your data! This is common advice for many data scientists. If your data set is messy,
We have updated our software for improved interpretability since this post was written. For the latest on this topic, read our new series on model-agnostic interpretability. As machine learning takes its place in many recent advances in science and technology, the interpretability of machine learning models grows in importance. We
When you go to the grocery store, you see that items of a similar nature are displayed nearby to each other. When you organize the clothes in your closet, you put similar items together (e.g. shirts in one section, pants in another). Every personal organizing tip on the web to