Científico de datos lleva años en la lista de carreras más populares pero, ¿cómo se llega a ser científica de datos? Bueno, mi viaje para convertirme en científica de datos no fue un viaje intencional, pues no empecé con un plan para terminar en una carrera de ciencia de datos.
Data scientist has been on the career hot list for years, but how does one become a data scientist? Well, my journey to becoming a data scientist was not an intentional journey - I didn't start with a plan to end up in a data science career. In fact, I
This blog is part of a series on SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning (VDMML). If you're new to SAS VDMML and you want a brief overview of the features available, check out my last blog post! This blog will discuss types of missing data and how to use imputation
Are you a seasoned data scientist looking for a fast, all-inclusive machine learning solution? Curious about machine learning but have little to no programming experience? Interested in using AI to take over the world? Follow my lead and use SAS VDDML to fast track your world domination. This blog is